Friday, September 30, 2011

hot spot in Ivyland

My dream retirement home would be a lovely house that backs up to green space, and we can sit on our back porch and watch warblers flit in and out of the trees. Well, this morning in Ivyland boro, a little bit of a dream come true. Tara is looking out the window, and swears she sees redstarts in the trees. Earlier in the week, she said the same thing, and when I got home and looked at the birds, they were yellow rumped warblers, so that was Monday or Tuesday of this week. So this morning I get out the binocs, and sure enough, that was a redstart. And, wait, what's that? Red-eyed Vireo. And, huh? Oh, just magnolia warbler. And what's that warbler tara asks? No, too big for a warbler, oh, just a scarlet tanager. And there goes a yellow warbler, and more redstarts, and the vireo really likes our magnolia tree. There's a flycatcher up in the oak. Don't ask, have no idea which one. That was our morning, I was an hour late for work, watching vireos and warblers and tanagers, and a sharpie flew by for good measure. Linda always tells me to look up, you never know what you'll see in your backyard. That's 49 total species in our backyard, with no deep woods around us. That's pretty cool for around here.
Fabulous way to start your day. Next week, Arizona!

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