Friday, October 31, 2014

Toot Sweet

I drove to the Villas last night so that I could be here all day today to work - really, this time its true. We have a client here that needed a computer swapped out. I brought the computer, Roxy and Sammy with me. I was almost at the house when I received a text alert stating that they were doing an owl banding demonstration at Cape May Meadows starting at 8:40 PM - just 15 minutes away.  Of course, I went but I also dragged Patience along with me. It was a good demonstration. The bander already had 2 Northern Saw-whet Owls caught when we arrived. You can see how tiny these owls are:

Northern Saw whet Owl
It was a good experience for me and glad that I was able to get Biggie to go along too.


Anonymous said...

Did you give a HOOT? HH

Anonymous said...

Love the blog! I was hoping you’d review a bird food that we could send you… We could also do a sweepstakes for your audience if you’d be into it!

Chris DiMarco