What do all of these things have in common? They are all deterrents to birding and thus hindering your reading list. The good news is that I think we are back on track. Connie's ankle is healing which means that she can drive herself. The holidays are over. The snow is melting. The funerals are past. Hockey continues. Birding can commence for 2016.
The first real birding that I did in 2016 was to participate in the Philadelphia Mid-winter Bird Census. This year, I had a lot of territory to cover alone. Looking for birds while keeping notes prevented photos.
Photography resumed last week in the form of shooting pictures through my open office window. The birds were very cooperative due to the 16 inches of snow which makes them rely on our bird feeders for a living. Here are a few shots from the day. First is an iconic male Cardinal in the snow.
Cardinal |
Next is this little piggy of a Chickadee. This guy has a sunflower seed AND peanut in his mouth.
Chickadee |
Speaking of seeds, here are some more photos of birds with seeds. All shot from the open window looking out onto the patio. A Junco in classic gray and white.
Junco |
A Song Sparrow.
Song Sparrow |
And of of many White-throated Sparrow with the diagnostic white throat and yellow eye lores.
White-throated Sparrow |
As you can see, I shoveled the patio for the birds. Peanut also liked the shoveled paths since the snow was deeper than she is!
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