Not much birding going on around here lately but I was able to get out to Pennypack Park a few times. Here a a couple of photos that should make you smile.
This guy reminded Connie and I of an incident that happened about 20 years ago when we came across a raccoon on the trail. This was so long ago that Daisy, our first dog was with us. The raccoon was acting funny so we hustled down the trail. On our way back, we saw the raccoon and he saw us. In fact, he started running toward us making noise. Yes, he was rabid and he was heading right for us. We grabbed Daisy's leash and ran as fast as we could. He ran too. We left the trail and ran up the hill. He left the trail too and tried to cut us off. We made it back to the car huffing and puffing. It was really scary and sad at the same time.
20 years later and with a different dog, Connie and I cam across this raccoon almost at the same place where we found the rabid raccon. This guy was peering out of a hollow tree. He is pretty cute and didn't try to come after us. Look at his little paw/hand.
Raccoon |
Some of the Wood Ducks at Pennypack hang around in winter. I think they survive by begging bread handouts with their Mallard friends. That makes these ducks so easy to photograph since they are the only Wood Ducks that I know of that swim TOWARD people on the bank of a creek. These are handsome ducks for sure.
Wood Duck |
I mean really. Look at the colors and patterns on this guy.
Wood Duck |
Looks like we have some decent weather on tap for this weekend. Hopefully, we can get some power birding in.
Very nnice post
Thanks for sharing thiis
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