First question - why do Bluebirds look REALLY blue in winter? Second question - how come they never look as blue in photos as they do in real life? Here is a photo of a very cooperative Bluebird at Lake Galena on Saturday - the same day as the fashion statement. This bird sat on that stick for a minute or so before getting a drink from the creek. Connie was about 10 feet away but the bird didn't care.
You can kind of see a hint of the "electric blue" at the edge of the wing, but it looked really bright in real life.
Third question - how come every time I enter sightings for Lake Galena, the "official" questions it? This time, he questioned Herring Gulls of all things. This time I sent him photographic proof. This is Great Black-backed Gulls (GBBG), Lesser Black-backed Gulls (LBBG), Herring Gulls (HEGU), and one Ring-billed Bull (RBGU) at the bottom left near the duck and goose. GBBGs are the largest gulls in the photo with black backs and flesh legs. LBBGs are the smaller gulls with black backs and yellow legs (hard to see in the photo). HEGUs are the gulls with the gray backs. RBGU is the one at the bottom left.
Click on photos to enlarge. By the way, that is ice that they are standing on. . .
Upon my reading aloud the claim of GBBG's vs LBBG's, Barbara promptly snatched the laptop away from me, enlarged the photo and held the screen about two inches from her face, trying to discern the "fleshy" from the "yellow". Visions of the 1994 Olympics where Nancy Kerrigan's mother closely viewed the TV monitor to see her daughter's ice skating routine took over. It's okay Barbara, you'll be able to see the actual photos someday. And you won't have to squint.
Barbara needs to take that leap into eye glasses - maybe even bifocals.
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