I haven't had time to post anything since I was away (again) for work in Washington DC and then catching up with work and home life. Last weekend, I headed to the shore and didn't find much in the way of interesting birds but I did get to hang out with some of the DVOCers. Here are a few photos starting with this beautiful Bald Eagle. Bald Eagle? Yes. This bird is what they call a "second year" bird which means that it is about 2 years old. You can tell by the feather pattern. This guy or gal looks
exactly like the field guide which is why I can casually tell you the age of the bird. Most of the time, its not that cut and dry for me. This bird will get the white head and tail in another 2 years or so.
Bald Eagle - Second Year |
Here is a Parula that was sitting still for a few seconds. That is a rare event for these tiny warblers. They are usually in motion and difficult to photograph.
Northern Parula |
Like I said, not much in the way of rare or unusual birds. That wasn't the case for bugs though. My friend Chris told me about these weird caterpillars that hatched along the dunes so we went to see them She was right . . .
Stinging Rose Caterpillar |
Patty and Steve identified it for me. Steve wrote a nice blog post on his blog -
Recycled Photons - if you want to check it out.
Cape May is full of dragonflies at this time of year. They migrate south just like birds do so you get to see alot of them in the fall. Most of the birders in Cape May can also identify the dragonflies but I just call them by color like this green and black striped one that was sitting along the path.
Dragonfly |
I had to photograph this Monarch butterfly on the purple flower. Not weird or unusual, just pretty.
Monarch Butterfly |
Love the birds, but you have my permission to skip the bugs. HH
HA. even the pretty butterflies?
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