Friday, June 2, 2017

Funny How These Things Happen

Last night at the DVOC meeting, a 14 year old girl gave a presentation about owls. The presentation was cute and informative. I went to Pennypack park this evening to look for Wood Thrushes. I'm volunteering to do a study to help Fairmount Park document 100 nesting pairs. If we can find 200 birds, the park will be designated as an Important Bird Area (IBA) of continental significance.

Unfortunately, the Wood Thrushes weren't singing tonight. What are the chances that I would see this guy instead:

An owl! The day after we had a presentation on owls. Crazy. This is a Red Phase Screech Owl. He was being harassed by every little bird in the woods which is how I found him. He was sitting quietly trying to use camouflage to hide but it obviously wasn't working.

A couple of teenagers walked by and I showed them the owl. They were floored! Funny how these things happen.

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