I was up early but Linda was already gone to walk the dogs. Linda made eggs and toast for breakfast. I had scrambled and Linda had fried. Then we went to Palmyra Cove for some birdwatching. I drove the Mini because I wanted to get cheap Jersey gas while we were there. Linda took me the back way all through Abington, Cheltenham past the cemetery, and Philly to the Tacony-Palmyra Bridge - which was open and kept us sitting there for 15 minutes. That reminded us of the time that we were late going to our grandmother's house when she lived in Cinnaminson and we got stuck at the bridge opening. When we arrived and told her that the bridge was up she said that she knew. We asked how she could know that the bridge was up and she said "because I called" "Called who?" "Called the bridge. When you were late, I thought the bridge might be up, so I called. The man said that it just went down so I assumed you would be here soon." That's Mom Mom for you.Anyway, we finally got to Palmyra Cove and the police stopped us to say that we had to park in the overflow lot. We parked and made funny, inappropriate comments about the other people in the parking lot then headed on to the trails. We saw some birds and walked for almost 2 hours. I had to find a bench to rest because my feet and back started to hurt. Then we decided to leave but I had to go to the bathroom in the nature center. It's really nice inside. We went to Wawa for the cheap Jersey gas, fountain Diet Cokes and sandwiches to take home for lunch. I sent Linda in to order me a Wawa premium turkey, lettuce, tomato, pickles, little mayo on wheat, no toast; Lays Kettle Cooked chips with salt and vinegar, and a fountain Diet Coke. When we left the Wawa, we passed the Savoy Caterers which used to be the Woodbine Inn where I used to go clubbing when I was in high school (don't tell my Mom) with my friends. Linda said to pull into the Savoy because she saw some gulls in the creek behind the parking lot so we pulled in and decided to eat our sandwiches and look at the gulls. How funny is that.
Di didn't get out of bed until after I took the dogs to the field for a walk so we got a late start birding. To make matters worse, the bridge was up and delayed us even more. Then we couldn't get a parking spot in the main lot.We finally got on the trail and immediately rung up 10 easy species. Then, Di saw something different which turned out to be male and female Eastern Meadowlark. What a find! We also got a great look at Swamp Sparrow, Fox Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow (male in great plumage) and Eastern Towhee. We didn't get Spotted Towhee that has been at the park all winter but we did get Golden-crowned Kinglet. We ate lunch behind the Savoy to look at gulls but they were just Ring-billed, nothing unusual.
So, months or years from now we'll see a Meadowlark and I'll have to remind Di that she saw one that day when we went to Palmyra Cove. And we'll see a sign for some Savoy diner somewhere in the world and she'll remind me about the time we sat behind the Savoy-that-used-to-be-the-Woodbine in Jersey eating our sandwiches which were Wawa premium turkey, with cheese which she didn't want ( I ordered it wrong) and gave to me, lettuce, tomato, pickles, little mayo on wheat; Lays Kettle Cooked chips with salt and vinegar because she likes them occassionally, and a fountain Diet Coke. Remember?
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