See a theme in the posts? Well we may not be religious here at the PBN blog, but it has been a Good Friday for me so far. I had 2 more FOS birds this morning that I had to enter as "rare" in my eBird report.
The first was that little ray of sunshine himself - Mr. Yellow Warbler! Gorgeous bright yellow bird flitting around a tree at the top of Lemon Hill. He stayed around so long that I left him, went to find Barbara and Sammy, came back and still watched him for another 5 minutes.
The second great find of the morning was on the other side of the mansion on Lemon Hill - which isn't a prairie at all but had a Prairie Warbler. Again, this bird was a decked out male in full breeding plumage. He was hanging around with 2 Palm Warblers and a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. Unfortunately, he didn't grace us with his wonderful song but we did get great views.
Not bad for walking the dogs. The weird thing to notice isn't what is coming, but what isn't going. Juncos are still on Lemon Hill and still at my feeders. When will they leave? Shouldn't they get the hint when they see all of these strangers showing up that they better get a move on up north? Hmmm.
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