The World Series of WHAT?
The World Series of BIRDING, that's what.
Here is an excerpt from "Opposable Chums" - a film about the event by Jason Kessler:
- One team mounts a paramilitary operation replete with infrared scopes and GPS devices.
- Another team does the event on foot, jogging almost 50 miles.
- After scouting for weeks, one team has the entire 24 hours planned literally to the minute.
- A Seniors team counts only the birds that fly by the bench it sits on all day.
As for us, the Philly Bird Nerds will be participating again this year trying to beat those 8th graders again. We are limiting ourselves to Cape May County again this year and hope to get 140 species. We are raising money for NJ Audubon again this year. If we get enough sponsors, we may split the money and send some to another organization (hint, hint). We raised $260 last year. We would really like to raise at least that much this year and are really hoping to raise more. I will send instructions for sponsorship in another post. For now, just start saving your pennies.
We are scouting beginning this weekend for nesting birds so that we can "pin them down" as they say.
Barbara and I are most interested in owls right now. We haven't been able to get Barred or Screech owl in past years, so we have been out at night listening for them. We have a lead on a Screech Owl down in West Cape May and will be heading there this weekend to listen again. We are also considering turning the tide in our favor by hanging a Screech Owl nest box in the "wetlands" across the street from the Blue House for next year. What's wrong with that? I didn't read any rules about that.
More updates later.
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