This is Di again.
It rained all day today. The facilitators decided to put on a few workshops today to keep the campers engaged, but we decided that we wanted to get out and get moving today, so we hiked the perimeter of the island - in the rain.
We got our rain gear on, which included rain pants, slickers and whatever waterproof boots we had, and headed out. The map below shows our route. The camp is at the north end of the island, actually it's the peninsula.We figure we hiked about six miles in three hours.
Hog Island map |
It was really pouring when we started our walk. We heard a few birds along the way, including black-throated green warbler, song sparrow, yellow rumps, juncos and a golden-crowned kinglet. The trail was
mostly well marked. We saw some old cabins and hiked right along the water in some spots, which afforded us some views that we consider when thinking of typical Maine scenery.
Early part of our walk |
Lori and Tara at one of the cottages in the woods (unoccupied) |
Di and Barbara - Windy, rainy coast |
Barbara (close) and Linda (far) looking for lobsters |
We rounded the southern tip of the island and headed back on the west coast, where the wind was blowing at about 20+ mph. We saw a bunch of lobster "parts" along this trail, from what we assume is a racoon or some other critter hunting for lobsters that get caught up in the seaweed along the beach.
The camp was founded by a woman in the late 1800's - the plaque below describes this.
Hog Island dedication plaque |
We arrived back at our rooms, soaking wet, cold and tired. After lunch, there were more workshops, but we decided to hunker down under some blankets in our rooms and relax. Linda will probably post more about the birds I didn't mention, as well as add some other photos.
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