It has already been exhausting, so we are off to bed in a few minutes. I thought I would share a few colorful photos with you to get you ready for spring. This guy was singing full force at Tinicum on Tuesday.
Yellow Warbler
Here is Indigo Bunting. There are alot of these guys on our World Series "route". They sing really loud from almost every field in the area. We are sure to get one of these for our list.
Indigo Bunting
Another really colorful bird that has arrived from his winter home is the Summer Tanager. These birds turn greenish yellow in winter and then shed all feathers and go red for summer. We like to think they go Phillies Red!
Summer Tanager
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Good luck...awaiting your successful report.
Hearty Handshaker
Good luck to the Nerds today! I am confident that you will surpass those pesky 8th graders.
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